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12h de duración total

19 Clases

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Platzi Ingles

Curso de Inglés Básico A2: Experiencias Pasadas e Intenciones Futuras

Por: Jhon Carvajal

Aprende a describir experiencias pasadas usando presente perfecto y pasado continuo. También, identifica cómo expresar intenciones futuras con "will", "going to", "presente continuo" y "presente simple". Comprende las diferencias entre algunos cuantificadores y preposiciones que usualmente se confunden y además:

Contenido del Curso:

1. Welcome to Basic course for Past Experiences and Future Intentions

Present perfect and experiences
2. Personal experiences in the past
3. Present perfect with present reference
4. Roleplay: Have you ever...?
5. Present Perfect Interactive Quiz

Similar but different words
6. How to use "because of"
7. Using "really", "quite" and "very"
8. Roleplay: "A bit" and "A little"
9. Understanding Indefinite Compound Pronouns
10. Using "both"

Different ways of expressing the future
11. Common ways of expressing the future
12. Roleplay: What will you do?
13. Is it Will or Going to?

Essential vocabulary
14. Roleplay: Could you...?
15. "Like" and sense verbs
16. Anaphoric references
17. Forming adjectives from nouns
18. Dictation Exercise

19. Closing

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